
Base URL:


To use the Aryze Orders API, you need an API key. Follow these steps to obtain one:

  1. Contact Aryze Support: Reach out to the Aryze support team via email or the support contact form on their website.

  2. Request API Access: Specify that you need an API key for the Aryze Orders API and provide any necessary details about your intended usage.

  3. Approval Process: Wait for the Aryze team to review and approve your request.

  4. Receive API Key: Once approved, you will receive your API key via email.

Use the API key in the headers of your requests as shown in the examples below:

  "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

Create Order

  • URL: /orders

  • Method: POST

  • Request Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • x-api-key: <API_KEY>

Creates a new order for minting stablecoins.

  • Body Parameters:

    • customerName: The name of the customer.

    • chainId: The chain ID of the target blockchain.

    • amount: The number of tokens to mint.

    • mintWallet: The wallet address for minting.

    • customerOrder: The unique name for the order.

    • stableCoin: The type of stablecoin (eUSD, eEUR, eGBR, eSGD).

  • Success Response: 201 Created

    • Content: { "message": "Order created successfully", "orderId": "unique_order_id" }Get All Orders

  • Error Response: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "error_message" }

Get All Orders

  • URL /orders

  • Method: GET

  • Request Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • x-api-key: <API_KEY>

Retrieves all orders, with optional filtering by status.

  • Query Parameters::

    • filterStatus (optional): The status to filter orders by.

  • Success Response: 200 OK

    "orderId": "unique_order_id",
    "customerName": "John Doe",
    "customerOrder": "Order123",
    "stableCoin": "eUSD",
    "amount": "1000",
    "mintWallet": "0x1234567890abcdef",
    "orderDate": 1625486748000,
    "orderStatus": "New",
    "lastUpdateTime": 1625486748000

  • Error Response: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "error_message" }

Get Order By ID

  • URL: /orders/{orderId}

  • Method: GET

  • Request Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • x-api-key: <API_KEY>

Retrieves the details of a specific order by ID.

  • Path Parameters:

    • orderId: The unique ID of the order.

  • Success Response: 200 OK

  "orderId": "unique_order_id",
  "customerName": "John Doe",
  "customerOrder": "Order123",
  "stableCoin": "eUSD",
  "amount": "1000",
  "mintWallet": "0x1234567890abcdef",
  "orderDate": 1625486748000,
  "orderStatus": "New",
  "lastUpdateTime": 1625486748000
  • Error Response: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "Order not found" }

Update Order

  • URL: /orders/{orderId}

  • Method: PUT

  • Request Headers:

    • content-Type: application/json

    • x-api-key: <API_KEY>

Updates the details of a specific order.

  • Path parameters:

    • orderId: The unique ID of the order.

  • Body Parameters:

    • amount: The updated amount of tokens.

    • orderStatus: The updated status of the order.

  • Success Response: 200 OK

  "message": "Order updated successfully",
  "updatedAttributes": {
    "amount": "1500",
    "orderStatus": "Processing",
    "lastUpdateTime": 1625486748000
  • Error Response: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "error_message" }

Delete Order

  • DELETE /orders

  • Method: DELETE

  • Request Headers:

    • content-Type: application/json

    • x-api-key: <API_KEY>

Deletes a specific order by ID.

  • Path Parameters:

    • orderId: The unique ID of the order.

  • Success Response: 200 OK

  "message": "Order deleted successfully"

  • Error Response: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "error_message" }

Types and Interfaces


An interface for order data.


  • orderId: The unique ID of the order.

  • customerName: The name of the customer.

  • customerOrder: The unique name for the order.

  • stableCoin: The type of stablecoin (eUSD, eEUR, eGBR, eSGD).

  • amount: The number of tokens to mint.

  • mintWallet: The wallet address for minting.

  • orderDate: The timestamp of the order creation.

  • orderStatus: The current status of the order.

  • lastUpdateTime: The timestamp of the last update